ACTE Fellowship Applications Due September 15

ACTE Fellowship Applications Due September 15 Submitted by ACTE National Applications for ACTE’s premier leadership development program are open! The Fellowship Program is a one-year commitment from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31.  ACTE offers


4 ACTEAZ Members Chosen to be ACTE IAED Mentors

ACTE National  President’s Letter 4 ACTEAZ Members Chosen to be ACTE Mentors Submitted by ACTEAZ Executive Board Congratulations to Shelly Thome, Stephen Weltsch, Rahsaan Bartet and Aaron Parsons for being selected

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ACTEAZ Wins the Quality Assoc. Award

ACTE National  ACTEAZ News ACTEAZ Wins the Quality Assoc. Award Submitted by Pam Ferguson The Association of Career Technical Education of Arizona is proud to report to our members that this

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Congratulations to Our ACTE National Award Winners

ACTE National  ACTEAZ News Congratulations to Our ACTE National Award Winners On November 28, in San Antonio Texas at the ACTE National Conference Awards Banquet, ACTE celebrated the finest career technical

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ACTEAZ Wins Quality Association Award

ACTE National  ACTEAZ News ACTEAZ Wins Quality Association Award ACTE National is happy to announce that Arizona has been selected to receive the Quality Association Standards (QAS) Award again in 2018!

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ACTE Student Trophy Design Contest

ACTE National ACTE Student Trophy Design Contest We are delighted to announce our third annual student contest to design the 3D-printed trophies for the ACTE Excellence Awards. Through the student


ACTEAZ receives Quality Association Award

ACTE National is happy to announce that Arizona has been selected to receive the Quality Association Standards (QAS) Award this year! Congratulations to the ACTEAZ Board of Directors and Members


Call for Presentations – CareerTech Vision 2016

ACTE’s CareerTech VISION 2016 November 30 – December 3 Las Vegas, NV Submit your proposal by February 29 Share your expertise, in-classroom strategies and contributions with thousands of career and


2016 ACTE Elections

2016 National ACTE Board of Directors Elections To our Arizona members, If you are a National ACTE Member be sure to vote in the 2016 Board of Directors Elections.  If


2015 ACTE New Teacher of the Year

ACTE Announces Arizona Massage Therapy Instructor as National Award Finalist The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) announced Benjamin Barth, a massage therapy instructor at Central Arizona Valley Institute
