Region V Fellowship Program

Interested in participating in the Region V Fellowship Program? If so, we are now accepting applications. The Fellowship Program is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for participants to learn strategies and techniques to better promote the image of CTE in their schools and communities, and the program is also an excellent avenue for learning more about  the policies and procedures related to CTE in Region V. Region V will select a maximum of 2 fellows for the next two years.  Each fellow will receive a stipend of $1000 for each year of the-year period.  This stipend is to help offset some of the expenses of being a fellow.

The following information describes the goals, objectives and responsibilities of the Region V Fellows.


The purpose of the Fellowship Program is to:

  • Establish a leadership development program for CTE Educators in ACTE and assist individuals in further developing their leadership skills in CTE and their involvement in professional associations.
  • Provide an opportunity for CTE Educators to become familiar with and participate in the processes used by policy makers in the development and implementation of laws, regulations, and other public policies at the local, state, and federal levels.
  • Identify, train and motivate a cadre of leaders who will continue to position ACTE as a leader in developing an educated, prepared, adaptable and competitive workforce.

Program of Work

The Fellowship Program is a two-year commitment from July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2018

Each participant will complete the required activities, attend the required events, view required webcasts, and submit a final summary of their accomplishments to the Region V Vice President and Policy Committee.

Final summary reports are due by March 15, 2018.

Required Activities

  • Initial Conference Call with Fellowship Coordinator and Fellows.
  • Conduct an in-person visit with a local legislator.
  • Conduct an in-person visit with a state legislator.
  • Conduct an in-person visit with a federal legislator.
  • Interview by phone or in-person with a current leader in Career and Technical Education.
  • Observe one National ACTE Board Meeting.

Required Events

Each Fellow is required to attend the following events and to submit a written summary after each program to the Fellowship Coordinator:

  • One (1) ACTE Annual Convention
  • One (1) ACTE National Policy Seminar
  • Two (2) Region V Conferences
  • Two (2) State Association Conferences
  • Participate in all scheduled conference calls

(Not meeting the Required Events/Activities may result in removal from the program.)

Other suggested activities may include:

  • Attend State Association Board meeting
  • Attend a session of the House or Senate Education committee in your state
  • Invite a legislator to visit your program
  • Attend/visit the State Legislature
  • Attend a State Board of Education session
  • Attend a session of the Vocational Technical Education Advisory Committee to the State Board of Education
  • Attend a session of the State Community College Board
  • Attend a local school or city council/board meeting
  • Invite a legislator/school board member/city official to visit your program
  • Write letters for a specific issue to legislators/school board member asking for specific action or a particular issue or bill.
  • Meet with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.


The Region V Fellowship coordinator will provide a list of appropriate webcasts that can be downloaded for viewing. Fellows will view the required webcasts and submit a summary of your learning from each webcast to the Fellowship Coordinator.


The 2016-18 ACTE Region V Fellows will be identified by a committee composed of the Region V VP, the Region V Policy Committee and the Region V Fellowship Coordinator.  The decision for the Fellowship appointments will be based on an evaluation process using a point system. The selection factors will be based on the fellowship application and supporting materials. Please note that applicants may be asked to attend an interview session with the selection committee.


Fellowships are limited to Region V members who have at least one year of work in Career and Technical Education.  Applicants must have the support of their District and State Association, with a signature from their supervisor and State Association President or Executive Director.

Applicants must submit:

  1. A completed application form. (15 points)
  2. A one-page letter expressing your interest in and commitment to serving as an ACTE Fellow and how you intend to use the learning obtained as a result of the Fellowship. (20 points)
  3. A one-page statement discussing the issues that you believe are most profoundly affecting CTE today (in your LEA, the state, or the country). (25 points)
  4. A detailed résumé. (10 points)
  5. A letter of support from your principal or immediate supervisor. (15 points)
  6. A letter of support from your ACTE State Association President or Executive Director. (15 points.)

Please complete the application and submit it with your support materials via email to Mary Anne Berens, Region V Fellowship Coordinator at or by submitting a CD with all materials to Mary Anne Berens, 21111 N. 106th Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85382.

All requirements of the application must be completed in order to be considered. Please submit your application by the deadline –Friday, January 15, 2016.

Successful applicants will be notified by Friday, February 12, 2016.

If you have any questions or need assistance in completing your application, please contact Mary Anne Berens, Region V Fellowship Coordinator at or by phone at 623-628-9263 or Dodie Bemis, Region V VP at> or phone (605) 881-4746 (W).

Click here for the Region V Fellowship Application.