ACTEAZ News  President’s Letter

President’s Letter – April 2020
Submitted by Lisa Doll

Dear ACTEAZ Members,

Spring has sprung and who would have thought we’d be where we currently are? In re-reading my earlier letter I mentioned 2020 would be the best year ever. I guess that predication might have been a bit over zealous!

I hope this finds you healthy and making the most of each day. From the association, we personally want to thank you for the dedication that you have demonstrated getting lesson and curriculum up and running so all of our students can continue to thrive. Our CTE family is strong and as always answering the call with enthusiasm and professionalism.

Elections are here. Please consider becoming involved in your association. It is a great way to build leadership skills and network with your colleagues.

Moving forward we are excited for Summer Conference in July. We have 100’s of professional development sessions ready for you. I am especially excited for our keynote speaker, Jason Schechterle. He is truly an inspiration.

Thank you again for your efforts and please take care of yourselves.

Best wishes,
Lisa Doll