ACTEAZ 2017 Officer Elections – Candidates

This year elections are being held for the following officer positions:

  • President Elect
  • Vice President
  • Secretary

Voting is online and opened on May 8th and ends on May 26th, 2017. You will receive voting instructions through e-mail.

ACTEAZ would like to thank our members for participating in the election candidate process.

Below are the candidates who applied for each position.

President Elect


Curt Bertelsen

I pledge to lead ACTEAZ toward the attainment of our Vision Statement: Career and Technical Education in Arizona adds so much value to the lives of its citizens and the state’s economy that every parent and student considers it an indispensable part of a quality comprehensive education.

The ACTEAZ leadership team will work with the ADE CTE Division, and our many partners to collectively use the dollars we have to accomplish big things. I’ve played a role in two such efforts – The Premier Program Series and the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium. I believe that there are more things that we can accomplish together including:

  1.  Develop “Performance Based Assessments” and identify Testing Centers where student skills are assessed and celebrated. This, in conjunction with the current Technical Skills Assessment would give a fairly complete picture of the actual readiness of our completers. This would be of importance for those programs where there is no skills-based industry certification/assessment.
  2. Fully integrate the work of ACTEAZ, A.D.E. and the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium to ensure that the following are available for every CTE Program in Arizona:
    • Technical Standards that are aligned with appropriate industry certifications and have been “timed” to ensure that the standards are attainable.
    • A single set of “Comprehensive Program Standards” for each CTE Program that contains Technical Standards, and the appropriate Workplace Employability and Academic Standards.
    • A recommended Scope and Sequence containing the Comprehensive Program Standards.
    • Lessons that support all of the Comprehensive Program Standards.
    • Technical Skills Assessments and Performance-Based Assessments with test blueprints and sample test questions.
  3. Ensure that Professional Development needed by teachers is convenient, affordable, and of the highest quality to ensure that we have high quality teachers and programs statewide

Vice President


Amanda Nolasco

Advocating for CTE has become a part of who I am as an educator. I enjoy speaking with anyone and everyone who wants to learn more about the value of CTE for all students and the need for CTE programs in our schools. Over the past five years, I have served within ACTEAZ as a Fellow and Secretary to work with others to advocate and elevate CTE in our state. By serving as Vice President for ACTEAZ, I would continue to be a voice for the association, our students, and CTE programs state wide.



Rachael Mann

Career and Technical Education has had a profound impact on my life and has shaped the course of my career. When I enrolled in my first high school marketing class I had no idea that decision would lead to becoming DECA president at my school, and later teaching culinary arts and technology. I value greatly the opportunities that I have had to continue serving in Career and Technical Education by providing support to CTE teachers and as an ACTEAZ fellow.

I believe that Career and Technical Education is transforming our schools and our economy. I support the work that is happening in Arizona through ACTEAZ and would be honored to serve on the Executive Board where my goal is not only to fulfill the duties of Secretary, but to also be an advocate for the work that is happening in our schools, for our leaders, our teachers, and ultimately, for our students. As Secretary of ACTEAZ, I will use this office to promote ACTEAZ and its programs.

Member Approval

Steve SC Photo

Steven Weltsch

Stephen Weltsch was voted on at the April 24th ACTEAZ Board of Directors Meeting to fill the President-Elect Term for Cathie Raymond who resigned because of her new position as the Deputy Associate Supt for CTE at the Arizona Department of Education.

Per the ACTEAZ By-Laws Stephen’s name is included on the ballot for the membership to approve his completing this term that was vacated by the current President-Elect resignation.

Stephen has previously served as ACTEAZ President, Treasurer and Vice-President and has the experience to begin the term immediately and also to fulfill the incoming President responsibilities at the 2017 Summer Conference.