Dear ACTE Leaders –
We wanted you to be aware that President Obama released his Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 budget proposal today and that ACTE has issued a media release in response (attached and posted on the ACTE home page). Although the budget increases education overall by $1.3 billion, the Carl D. Perkins and Career and Technical Education program (Perkins) is level funded below pre-sequester levels.
While the President has been very supportive regarding CTE in his remarks and through recent actions such as his visits to CTE programs, his budget proposal does not reflect the national need nor the important relationship of CTE to jobs and improving the economy.
The President’s budget proposal sets a marker which is sent to Congress, and flat funding is not the appropriate level in a budget with over $1 billion in increases for education. Coupled with the gradual erosion of Perkins funding due to sequester cuts and the elimination of funding in earlier budget years, we urge you to ask Members of Congress to include Perkins budget increases in their requests to Members of Congress on the Appropriations Committee.
Please do not hesitate to contact ACTE with any questions.
Stephen DeWitt
Deputy Executive Director
Association for Career and Technical Education
1410 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703.683.9311 |