Arizona FCCLA Members ‘Spy Leadership’ at the Fall Leadership Conference
Submitted by Ryan Hamilton.
Nearly 1,400 FCCLA members from across Arizona gathered in the US Airways Center and Phoenix Convention Center for a day full of leadership skills, competitive event success tips, Family and Consumer Science content knowledge, and a tradeshow full of vendors and hands-on activities.
On Wednesday, October 30, Arizona FCCLA members, made up of high school students, along with their advisers, attended the annual Arizona FCCLA Fall Leadership Conference (FLC). Sessions, presented by TRI Leadership Resources, Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM), Arizona Department of Education – Early Childhood Education Department, American Culinary Chefs Federation, and the Phoenix Suns, were designed to help maximize students’ potential as leaders, personal achievement in family and consumer sciences, and future careers. Students Spied Success and Leadership throughout the day, whether attending the workshops or visiting vendors at the tradeshow and participating in hands-on activities such as preparing salads, napkin folding, or learning more about opportunities that await them and their future.
FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) is a nonprofit student organization that prepares students for careers in family and consumer sciences and has over 200,000 students and advisers as active members across the nation. The mission of FCCLA is to promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education, focusing on the multiple roles of the family member, wage earner, and community leader. Chapter projects focus on a variety of youth concerns. Arizona FCCLA is housed and funded in-part by Career and Technical Education Division in the Arizona Department of Education, John Huppenthal – State Superintendent of Public Instruction. To learn more about FCCLA, visit or contact the Arizona FCCLA State Director at or 602-542-3040.