ACTEAZ News   Awards & Recognition

2024 ACTEAZ Scholarship Winners Announced

ACTEAZ would like to congratulate the 2024 Scholarship winners! 

Apramey Akkiraju
Mountain Ridge High School
Awarded by: ACTEAZ

Sophia Bobadilla
Estrella Foothills High School
Awarded by: ACOVA

Genevieve Coury
Ironwood High School
Awarded by: ATIEA

Paden Dillard
Highland High School
Awarded by: ACTEAZ

Taylor Dlugosz
Estrella Mountain Community College
Awarded by: AOAC

Anissa Jacquez
St. David High School
Awarded by: ACOVA

Brian Liang
Centennial High School
Awarded by: ACTEAZ

Kylee O’Brien
River Valley High School
Awarded by: ACOVA

Kharlo Ramirez Aleman
Raymond S. Kellis High School
Awarded by: ACOVA

Jaxon Richardson
Estrella Foothills High School
Awarded by: ATIEA

Kelly Strieter
Campo Verde High School
Awarded by: ACTEAZ

Lia Taylor
Corona del Sol High School
Awarded by: CTEDs

Tamryn Tucker
Campo Verde High School
Awarded by: AOAC

Congratulations to all the winners!