The Counselor Series consists of four modules that will provide quality CTE professional development for school counselors. These modules will educate school counselors on the value and importance of CTE and career literacy.
School counselors play a pivotal role in providing guidance in college and career readiness for Arizona students. While there is a plethora of professional development available for college counseling, school counselors do not receive enough professional development in career counseling and career literacy.
Developed and offered via the Arizona Department of Education, more information about the Arizona Career Ready Program, description of the modules, and PD calendar can be found on the webpage:
Modules Currently Offered
Module: Understanding the National Workforce Landscape and 21st Century Careers
The Educator will:
- Learn why we need to increase career literacy in Arizona.
- Identify definitions of career readiness.
- Identify possible metrics for career readiness.
- Explore national, Arizona, and local workforce landscapes.
- Identify the connection between meeting workforce needs through job exposure and economic development.
November 7-December 9, 2017
The modules are available in three ways, so that your specific site’s needs can be met.
- Online in ADE-Blackboard, $50 per participant
- Blended hybrid model, design and cost TBD
- Customized “in-person,” design and cost TBD
Directions for How to Participate Online in ADE-Blackboard:
- You will need to set up an ADE: Connect account at before you can register.
- Register online:
- Click on Online Course tab.
- Select the Arizona Career Ready module.
- Please understand the time commitments and requirements for each module before you sign-up:
– The module is five weeks long, with 4-6 hours of work per week. There is a commitment of time and effort.
-This module includes readings, discussions, and a development of an action plan. - Space is limited to 25 participants for each module. (First come first served.)
- Participants are expected to complete all readings, discussions, and activities, including reporting back to your district and ADE about your learning and suggestions for future enhancements.
- You can earn 20 CEU’s for a “pass” score in completing all the module assignments.
- The CEU or PD hours can be used for Arizona re-certification hours.
- Cost is $50 per participant per module.
If you need help contact: Meg Hughart at or Kay Schreiber
Other Modules
Contact Kay Schreiber at if you are interested in participating in an online module or want to offer this professional development opportunity to school educators.
Module: Career and Technical Education for Career Readiness
The Educator will:
- Learn about how to communicate and collaborate with CTE at your site.
- Explore AZ Programs of Study (POS) and identify which are currently available on their campus.
- Learn about evidence-based practice that will promote student enrollment in CTE Programs of Study.
- Learn about how to communicate and collaborate with CTE at your site.
- Learn about incorporating the Arizona Workplace Employability Skills into lesson planning and career guidance, and classroom activities.
Module: Engaging Students in Career and Post-Secondary Planning
The Educator will:
- Explore the significance of school counselor involvement in supporting students with the career and post-secondary planning process through ECAPs.
- Consider how to engage students academically by understanding the relevance of current coursework to future career pathways.
- Identify strategies to increase the attention paid to career planning during discussions about high school coursework.
- Understand the role career exploration plays in career development.
- Explore mandates regarding ECAPS in other states.
- Identify ways to increase buy-in of ECAPs on your campus.
Module: Collaborating with Local Businesses and Employers
The Educator will:
- Learn how to involve local business, industry, and employers in participant’s programming to identify community specific workplace needs.
- Identify potential for Work-Based Learning or School-Site Learning to occur within school setting.
- Identify successful models of school-business collaboration.
- Identify ways to collaborate with local Chambers of Commerce.
- Develop strategies to collaborate with local businesses through internships, job shadowing, apprenticeships, career presentations, etc.
- Identify potential for Work-Based Learning or School-Site Learning to occur within school setting.
For any questions, please Contact Us.