ACTEAZ is proud of all our CTSO programs and the students for the hard work and effort in all of their community and educational events. We encourage members to view

ACTEAZ Awards & Scholarship Applications

Awards & Scholarship Applications

A CTE Success Story Out of This World

A CTE Success Story Out of This World Submitted by Tony York I was recently told of an article that was published in Nature, written by lead author Britney Schmidt,

Students Donate $1000 to Purchase Toys

Students Donate $1000 to Purchase Toys for Cardon Children’s Medical Center Submitted by Tiffani Nichols The Executive Club Council, a student organization at the East Valley Institute of Technology, has

Congratulations ACTEAZ!

Congratulations ACTEAZ!

Education and Training Program Receives Award

Education and Training Program Receives Award Submitted by Jan Brite The Education and Training Rigorous Program of Study at Tuba City High School was recently awarded the 2011 Pathways to

State Education Officials to Visit EVIT Campus

State Education Officials to Visit EVIT Campus Submitted by Tiffani Nichols On Nov. 18, the East Valley Institute of Technology will host 40 state superintendents and members of their staff

2012 ACTE Summer Conference

Save the Date!

It’s Time to Shine, with Arizona FCCLA!

It’s Time to Shine, with Arizona FCCLA! Submitted by Kym Spitali The Arizona FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) hosted their annual Fall Leadership Conference at the Phoenix

November 2011 Legislative Alert

November 2011 Legislative Alert