New CTE Teacher of the Year


Alexis Hastert

Mesa Public Schools

Alexis Hastert is a CTE Education Professions Teacher at Skyline High School in Mesa Public Schools where she started with fifty students in 2018-19 and grew the program to 145 with 65% retention rate in 1920. Her program embodies elements of a high-quality program with integrated curriculum, engaging instruction, CTSO successes, and providing opportunities for all students. As a first year CTE teacher, Alexis worked closely with the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium participating in the creation of the Education Professions Blueprint, Framework, and Assessment Personal Development.

This experience helped her enhance her curriculum by implementing standards-aligned lessons with engaging participation strategies and formative assessments to prepare students for success as completers. Students embraced being active in CTSOs with one team winning first place to qualify and compete at the national level. Beyond the classroom Mrs. Hastert’s students gain real world experience in an on-campus pre-school and elementary school internships. Student leadership training was also developed and worked with other districts and industry professionals to design and provide the training. Each year a mock CTSO event where she invites community members as judges and each of her students must present a CTSO project where technical skills and professional knowledge are demonstrated.

On top of all these accomplishments, Alexis with organizing a junior high visitation field trip where over 600 students toured all CTE Programs.
Additional outreach with NAU provide specialized opportunities to learn about CTE opportunities. Mrs. Hastert’s program personifies the CTE Framework.

ACTEAZ has been fortunate to have Alexis starting at 16 years old to begin volunteering at the ACTEAZ Summer Conference. She would work with exhibitors, working registration and going above and beyond to make the conference a success. Alexis Hastert is a stellar professional whose personal commitment is recognized, admired, and appreciated.