Can AZ lead in career and technical education despite millions in cuts? Arizona Education News posted a three part series on the recent budget cuts and how it will affect

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President’s Letter – Lisa Doll – August 2015

Dear ACTEAZ Members, Every new school year is a new beginning, a time of hope, new ideas and unknown opportunities for all of our educators and students for the upcoming


Educators Rising Arizona Representation at the White House

Celebrating Innovations in Career and Technical Education Event Submitted by: Rachael Mann, Arizona FEA State Director Six Educators Rising representatives, including Samantha Melendrez, president of the Educators Rising Arizona State

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Cancelled Sessions at the 2015 ACTE Summer Conference

Below is a list of cancelled sessions (Updated – 7/18 at 9:00AM): Saturday, July 18th Business & Marketing Education New Teacher Forum BME 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM ‘A Tavola’:

SkillsUSA Arizona Excels at 2015 NLSC

2015 SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference, Louisville, KY Submitted by: Ryan Hamilton, ADE CTSO Team Leader SkillsUSA members from across the country traveled to Louisville, June 22-26, 2015 for

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FBLA has Strong Showing at National Leadership Conference

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) – Arizona members and advisers have strong showing at National Leadership Conference! Submitted by: Ryan Hamilton, ADE CTSO Team Leader On June 27, 2015

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Arizona HOSA has First National President-Elect Installed

Arizona HOSA Has First National President-Elect Installed at the National Leadership Conference! Submitted by: Ryan Hamilton, ADE CTSO Team Leader On June 24, 2015, 380 Arizona HOSA members and advisors

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First Lady Speaks About CTE

Recently the First Lady, Michelle Obama, spoke about CTE and her belief in its ability to provide students opportunities to Reach Higher and succeed in their lives.  CTSO Students in


President’s Letter – John Mulcahy – June 2015

Dear Colleagues, Congratulations on another successful school year.  Once again, your efforts made the world a better place.  Thanks to you, thousands of Arizona students exited the school year with


NPS – Through the Eyes of Our Fellows

Legislation is a key facet in strengthening CTE and the role it has in the future of Education.  Keeping open lines of communication with our state and federal legislators and sharing
